Felo De Se


Felo De Se is a belgian band of Melodic Death Metal clearly influenced by finnish bands such as Wolfheart or Insomnium. The music combines acoustic melodies and harshness of Death Metal.

Felo De Se was initially founded as a one-man-band during summer 2016. In early 2017, Joachim Kinet, band's founder, released the first EP, "Fidelis In Se", consisting on five tracks. A short time later was revealed an acoustic version of "Fall Of Ikaros", EP's second track, on youtube.

In the beginning of 2018, new members joined the crew : Lionel Delmay (lead guitar), Brice Massart (drums), Innokenty Gritskevitch (bass guitar). They have all ambition to take band's music to a new level.
  • Melodic
  • Death Metal
  • Liège

Contacts et médias

Retrouvez ici les plateformes sur lesquelles l'artiste est présent·e

Concerts passés


Aephanemer + Felo De Se + Senttura

la zone asbl - Liège

Senttura + Felo De Se + Spheres

la zone asbl - Liège

Felo De Se + Lethvm (BE)

Les Temps Mêlés - Verviers

Hexa Mera + Hiraes + Felo De Se

Mcp Apache - Fontaine-l'Évêque


Galerie de l'artiste


Felo De Se is a belgian band of Melodic Death Metal clearly influenced by finnish bands such as Wolfheart or Insomnium. The music combines acoustic melodies and harshness of Death Metal.

Felo De Se was initially founded as a one-man-band during summer 2016. In early 2017, Joachim Kinet, band's founder, released the first EP, "Fidelis In Se", consisting on five tracks. A short time later was revealed an acoustic version of "Fall Of Ikaros", EP's second track, on youtube.

In the beginning of 2018, new members joined the crew : Lionel Delmay (lead guitar), Brice Massart (drums), Innokenty Gritskevitch (bass guitar). They have all ambition to take band's music to a new level.
  • Melodic
  • Death Metal
  • Liège

Concerts passés


Aephanemer + Felo De Se + Senttura

la zone asbl - Liège

Senttura + Felo De Se + Spheres

la zone asbl - Liège

Felo De Se + Lethvm (BE)

Les Temps Mêlés - Verviers

Hexa Mera + Hiraes + Felo De Se

Mcp Apache - Fontaine-l'Évêque


Galerie de l'artiste

Contacts et médias

Retrouvez ici les plateformes sur lesquelles l'artiste est présent·e