Red Red


Red Red (USA/BE) - maybe it's Psychedelic Turntable Blues? Think 70ies/Groove/Psychedelic/Southern/Bluesy, think Turntables! Red Red is fronted by an American ethnomusicologist, with 4 Belgian musicians on guitar, bass, drums and, yep...turntables!

RED RED is for the dancing. Or the listening and standing. Not for jiving. The Great Ape tolerates no jive.
  • Turntablism
  • Groove
  • Psychedelic
  • Blues
  • Alternative
  • Rock
  • Brussel

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Galerie de l'artiste


Red Red (USA/BE) - maybe it's Psychedelic Turntable Blues? Think 70ies/Groove/Psychedelic/Southern/Bluesy, think Turntables! Red Red is fronted by an American ethnomusicologist, with 4 Belgian musicians on guitar, bass, drums and, yep...turntables!

RED RED is for the dancing. Or the listening and standing. Not for jiving. The Great Ape tolerates no jive.
  • Turntablism
  • Groove
  • Psychedelic
  • Blues
  • Alternative
  • Rock
  • Brussel


Galerie de l'artiste

Contacts et médias

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