Opposite Entropies


Opposite Entropies are Victor Petit and Tom Zacharek. The project splits into Techno-influenced hybrid lives of their own productions mixed with tracks from artists inspiring them, and multi-faceted DJ sets where they combine the classical approach with additional layered sounds and effects.

While coming from very different horizons, it isn't however by accident that the two freshly graduated sound engineers from Institut des Arts de Diffusion (BE) eventually started working on a mutual electronic music project in 2019. Their complementary backgrounds and technical approach to music creation can explain the emulation that is coming from the two friends. They also share a common interest in audio-visual dimension and environmental awareness that they absolutely want to incorporate in their project. As sound engineers, sound design and sonic textures are also a strong part of their musical vision.
  • Techno
  • Deep Techno
  • Bruxelles

Contacts et médias

Retrouvez ici les plateformes sur lesquelles l'artiste est présent·e

Concerts passés


Opposite Entropies + Giraffes & Penguins + Teratoma (DE) + Basic Feelings + Les Frères Jackfruit + Dj Pute-Acier

L'uZinne - Molenbeek-Saint-Jean
Opposite Entropies Live Set private release-party

Opposite Entropies + Basic Feelings + DLG

Péniche l'Armande Kurt - Liège
25èmes Ovalies UniLaSalle

Opposite Entropies + Breakbot

Beauvais - Courtabœuf cedex (FR)


Galerie de l'artiste


Opposite Entropies are Victor Petit and Tom Zacharek. The project splits into Techno-influenced hybrid lives of their own productions mixed with tracks from artists inspiring them, and multi-faceted DJ sets where they combine the classical approach with additional layered sounds and effects.

While coming from very different horizons, it isn't however by accident that the two freshly graduated sound engineers from Institut des Arts de Diffusion (BE) eventually started working on a mutual electronic music project in 2019. Their complementary backgrounds and technical approach to music creation can explain the emulation that is coming from the two friends. They also share a common interest in audio-visual dimension and environmental awareness that they absolutely want to incorporate in their project. As sound engineers, sound design and sonic textures are also a strong part of their musical vision.
  • Techno
  • Deep Techno
  • Bruxelles

Concerts passés


Opposite Entropies + Giraffes & Penguins + Teratoma (DE) + Basic Feelings + Les Frères Jackfruit + Dj Pute-Acier

L'uZinne - Molenbeek-Saint-Jean
Opposite Entropies Live Set private release-party

Opposite Entropies + Basic Feelings + DLG

Péniche l'Armande Kurt - Liège
25èmes Ovalies UniLaSalle

Opposite Entropies + Breakbot

Beauvais - Courtabœuf cedex (FR)


Galerie de l'artiste

Contacts et médias

Retrouvez ici les plateformes sur lesquelles l'artiste est présent·e