Jong Oisif


End of summer 2017 was the beginning of Jong Oisif.
Riding the loops that add up, he is a self-taught traveler navigating the sound in the infinite levels of perception and soul.
Whether in the grooves or through encounters, he is also a private detective for 0 & 1 in his quest for waves.
With an urgent need to harmonize paradoxes, by colors or by words, he is always in search of food for the ear and he defines his style as "fractal puzzle" or "puzzle beat".
  • Beat
  • Electro
  • Hip-hop
  • Psychedelic
  • Experimental
  • Sampling
  • Farciennes

Contacts et médias

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Galerie de l'artiste


End of summer 2017 was the beginning of Jong Oisif.
Riding the loops that add up, he is a self-taught traveler navigating the sound in the infinite levels of perception and soul.
Whether in the grooves or through encounters, he is also a private detective for 0 & 1 in his quest for waves.
With an urgent need to harmonize paradoxes, by colors or by words, he is always in search of food for the ear and he defines his style as "fractal puzzle" or "puzzle beat".
  • Beat
  • Electro
  • Hip-hop
  • Psychedelic
  • Experimental
  • Sampling
  • Farciennes


Galerie de l'artiste

Contacts et médias

Retrouvez ici les plateformes sur lesquelles l'artiste est présent·e