Giulio Erasmus


Giulio Erasmus’s music swirls into unintelligible mutterings, songs, and collapsing collages, all made with the idea of keeping things simple. It is post-punk p-funk, pre-post dub…Dont know anymore. Between alienating and concrete, making the hiss of plugged instruments a central part of it all, Erasmus uses crude field recordings, voice samples, and descriptive and contemplative lyrics to great effect, reversing musical logic as melody and rhythm confusedly spiral around them. Now played as a quartet ! Calamity!

‘It’s like riding a 6-legged horse, where sometimes the saddle starts to levitate and leave the animal.’ - Felix Kubin
  • Experimental
  • Dub
  • Funk
  • Bruxelles

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Galerie de l'artiste


Giulio Erasmus’s music swirls into unintelligible mutterings, songs, and collapsing collages, all made with the idea of keeping things simple. It is post-punk p-funk, pre-post dub…Dont know anymore. Between alienating and concrete, making the hiss of plugged instruments a central part of it all, Erasmus uses crude field recordings, voice samples, and descriptive and contemplative lyrics to great effect, reversing musical logic as melody and rhythm confusedly spiral around them. Now played as a quartet ! Calamity!

‘It’s like riding a 6-legged horse, where sometimes the saddle starts to levitate and leave the animal.’ - Felix Kubin
  • Experimental
  • Dub
  • Funk
  • Bruxelles


Galerie de l'artiste

Contacts et médias

Retrouvez ici les plateformes sur lesquelles l'artiste est présent·e