Formol and Bones


Within the company Formol and Bones, three tormented souls have gathered: Doomforger, Deathrites, and Axelord, loyal servants of this mysterious enterprise for five centuries now. Enchanted by the secrets buried in the age-old archives, they have decided to resurrect forgotten tales from generations past, tales of haunted graveyards, avenging demons, malevolent witches, and unholy monks.

Through their somber words and funeral melodies, they have chosen to remind mortal minds of the glory days of Formol and Bones. Doomforger, with his unearthly voice, intones verses laden with darkness and despair, while frenetically pounding his drums. Deathrites, master of abyssal strings, makes the ground tremble with his leaden riffs. Axelord, a sorcerer with multiple strings, invokes enchanted and ever-mortifying melodies.

Through their music, they have become the guardians of the memory of the dead, preserving their tales and legends. Their work is not merely a performance but an act of devotion to ancestors and the mysteries dwelling in the dark archives of forgotten gravediggers. Formol and Bones is an ode to eternity and the darkness that has pervaded humanity since time immemorial.
  • Doom métal
  • Epic doom metal
  • Herseaux

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Within the company Formol and Bones, three tormented souls have gathered: Doomforger, Deathrites, and Axelord, loyal servants of this mysterious enterprise for five centuries now. Enchanted by the secrets buried in the age-old archives, they have decided to resurrect forgotten tales from generations past, tales of haunted graveyards, avenging demons, malevolent witches, and unholy monks.

Through their somber words and funeral melodies, they have chosen to remind mortal minds of the glory days of Formol and Bones. Doomforger, with his unearthly voice, intones verses laden with darkness and despair, while frenetically pounding his drums. Deathrites, master of abyssal strings, makes the ground tremble with his leaden riffs. Axelord, a sorcerer with multiple strings, invokes enchanted and ever-mortifying melodies.

Through their music, they have become the guardians of the memory of the dead, preserving their tales and legends. Their work is not merely a performance but an act of devotion to ancestors and the mysteries dwelling in the dark archives of forgotten gravediggers. Formol and Bones is an ode to eternity and the darkness that has pervaded humanity since time immemorial.
  • Doom métal
  • Epic doom metal
  • Herseaux


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