

DEN!ED is a punkrock band from Belgium who wants to focus on keeping it alive and play shows to remind people what punk rock is about. After a first experience in their previous band Obvious, they decided that it was time to get a little bit more angry, fast and angry.
  • Punk-rock
  • Bruxelles

Contacts et médias

Retrouvez ici les plateformes sur lesquelles l'artiste est présent·e

Concerts passés

Woops in the woods Festival

Asile + The Lucky Trolls + Radio 911 + Denied + Big Horse

Les Mélomanes - Seneffe
Beauraing Is Not Dead

Jonny Mafia + Denied + Worship the Kick + marcel + Big Fat Lukum + Year Zero + red seekers + SISHARO + Chump + slamino + Skarbone 14 + Do It Later + Corbillard (BE/FR) + johnnie carwash + Alaska Gold Rush + cosse + Dresscode + adverse 96

Beauraing is not Dead - Beauraing

Wolves Scream + Radio 911 + Denied + Echoes of Nihil

Mcp Apache - Fontaine-l'Évêque
Beauraing is not Dead Festival

Yakhchal + Slift (FR) + Lysistrata + Denied + Corbillard (BE/FR) + Wolves Scream

Beauraing is not Dead - Beauraing


Galerie de l'artiste


DEN!ED is a punkrock band from Belgium who wants to focus on keeping it alive and play shows to remind people what punk rock is about. After a first experience in their previous band Obvious, they decided that it was time to get a little bit more angry, fast and angry.
  • Punk-rock
  • Bruxelles

Concerts passés

Woops in the woods Festival

Asile + The Lucky Trolls + Radio 911 + Denied + Big Horse

Les Mélomanes - Seneffe
Beauraing Is Not Dead

Jonny Mafia + Denied + Worship the Kick + marcel + Big Fat Lukum + Year Zero + red seekers + SISHARO + Chump + slamino + Skarbone 14 + Do It Later + Corbillard (BE/FR) + johnnie carwash + Alaska Gold Rush + cosse + Dresscode + adverse 96

Beauraing is not Dead - Beauraing

Wolves Scream + Radio 911 + Denied + Echoes of Nihil

Mcp Apache - Fontaine-l'Évêque
Beauraing is not Dead Festival

Yakhchal + Slift (FR) + Lysistrata + Denied + Corbillard (BE/FR) + Wolves Scream

Beauraing is not Dead - Beauraing


Galerie de l'artiste

Contacts et médias

Retrouvez ici les plateformes sur lesquelles l'artiste est présent·e