Dreamy indiepop tunes and salty water.
"Indiepop from Brussels that wouldn't look bad on your Pinterest board. Think of a long autumn walk with a Bordercollie at your feet at the end. Nice and warm, the smell of fresh cake in the oven and then that deserved chocolate milk, but with a dash of rum. That's Bosum, and Marvin." (Studio Brussel)
"Indiepop from Brussels that wouldn't look bad on your Pinterest board. Think of a long autumn walk with a Bordercollie at your feet at the end. Nice and warm, the smell of fresh cake in the oven and then that deserved chocolate milk, but with a dash of rum. That's Bosum, and Marvin." (Studio Brussel)
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Dreamy indiepop tunes and salty water.
"Indiepop from Brussels that wouldn't look bad on your Pinterest board. Think of a long autumn walk with a Bordercollie at your feet at the end. Nice and warm, the smell of fresh cake in the oven and then that deserved chocolate milk, but with a dash of rum. That's Bosum, and Marvin." (Studio Brussel)
"Indiepop from Brussels that wouldn't look bad on your Pinterest board. Think of a long autumn walk with a Bordercollie at your feet at the end. Nice and warm, the smell of fresh cake in the oven and then that deserved chocolate milk, but with a dash of rum. That's Bosum, and Marvin." (Studio Brussel)
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Concerts passés
De Spuye - Leuven