Beat Of Apex


Beat Of Apex (BOA) is a Belgian alternative rock-metal band formed in Brussels in 2012.

Between rock and rap-metal, with sometimes psychedelic sometimes frantic melodies, they recall the American scene of the 90's and early 2000.

A certain humor emanates from their songs.

Rockers call their musical genre metal when metalheads talk about rock, perfect, they don't like being in a box.

Their first Ep "The End of the Beginning" was released in 2020.
  • Rock
  • Metal
  • Alternative
  • Bruxelles

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    Galerie de l'artiste


    Beat Of Apex (BOA) is a Belgian alternative rock-metal band formed in Brussels in 2012.

    Between rock and rap-metal, with sometimes psychedelic sometimes frantic melodies, they recall the American scene of the 90's and early 2000.

    A certain humor emanates from their songs.

    Rockers call their musical genre metal when metalheads talk about rock, perfect, they don't like being in a box.

    Their first Ep "The End of the Beginning" was released in 2020.
    • Rock
    • Metal
    • Alternative
    • Bruxelles


    Galerie de l'artiste

    Contacts et médias

    Retrouvez ici les plateformes sur lesquelles l'artiste est présent·e