Atum Nophi


3 years after their first record, Atum Nophi is making a strong comeback with a third member and a new approach. Whilst remaining true to their grunge and stoner roots, the trio now opens up to the punk hardcore scene with influences such as Turnstile or Touché Amoré.
  • Loud
  • Rock
  • Post-hardcore
  • Bruxelles

Contacts et médias

Retrouvez ici les plateformes sur lesquelles l'artiste est présent·e

Concerts passés

Les Nuits indé indoor

The Experimental Tropic Blues Band + KILL TEST + Daggers + Atum Nophi

La zone - Liège
Alternight + Atum Nophi + Let It Kill You @ La Mule

alternight (FR) + Atum Nophi + Let it kill you

Brasserie de la Mule - Schaerbeek
On The Gaume Again

Atum Nophi + Among Wolves + The Trushes + La Solution

Le Palais - Arlon

Black Box Revelation + Atum Nophi

L'Entrepôt - Arlon


Galerie de l'artiste


3 years after their first record, Atum Nophi is making a strong comeback with a third member and a new approach. Whilst remaining true to their grunge and stoner roots, the trio now opens up to the punk hardcore scene with influences such as Turnstile or Touché Amoré.
  • Loud
  • Rock
  • Post-hardcore
  • Bruxelles

Concerts passés

Les Nuits indé indoor

The Experimental Tropic Blues Band + KILL TEST + Daggers + Atum Nophi

La zone - Liège
Alternight + Atum Nophi + Let It Kill You @ La Mule

alternight (FR) + Atum Nophi + Let it kill you

Brasserie de la Mule - Schaerbeek
On The Gaume Again

Atum Nophi + Among Wolves + The Trushes + La Solution

Le Palais - Arlon

Black Box Revelation + Atum Nophi

L'Entrepôt - Arlon


Galerie de l'artiste

Contacts et médias

Retrouvez ici les plateformes sur lesquelles l'artiste est présent·e