Bruital Orgasme
Distort the signal into a communicative tension, reaching the bodily effects of noise as music... The sounds of roaring sea is not far from white noise, but is not considered unpleasant &irritating... Disturbance...Psycho-acoustic tests... To the point where harsh noise is not considered unpleasant demands a training of the senses, a lack of restraint, allowing all sounds to be music, emancipating noise from its mimetic function, abstracting it as purely aesthetic... Shifting the focus from the notes to the sounds, by setting music as layered organized sounds, an implosion of meanings into the sublime... A convulsive beauty... A sensuous impression... An overload of the nervous system, maybe reflecting our inner & outer chaos... Absorbing the listener into an ecstatic black hole... Just like an orgasm...»
Bruital Orgasme is Fil & Nath, from Belgium. They play with frequencies, sounds they record during their travels, home made sounds generators, modified devices, lost and found sounds from many sources (as old vinyls, turntables without records, radios, tapes...)
philippecavaleri (a)
Concerts passés
Flesh Factory Festival II
Hemirat (FR) + Pneumatic Head Compressor + Alek Et Les Japonaises (BE/JP) + Bonne Humeur Provisoire (FR) + Mr Marcaille (FR) + Beticiclopp + Melodik Pinpon + Me n'oasn + Osica + Chantal Morte (FR) + Madame Patate + Lee zeirjick (VN) + Phil Maggi « Animalwrath » + Dolina (FR/BE) + Bruital Orgasme + Tzii (FR) + Ripit (BE/FR) + Cercueil (FR) + Bronco Billy + Elegant Perverts + Le Crabe (FR) + Rubbish Fairy (UK) + CURVER & WOOD BOY ENTERTAINMENT + El Nino 76 + Sish Tick + Olivier Donnet + Vadim Samoluk + Jacques Lennep + Nathalie Pirotte + Warvin + Erik DeWaele + Jolie Julien + DLCLM + Laurent Jourquin + Alien Aline + Le Laboratoire + Chaak (VAT) + Alan Tex + Riche et Bicky + Thierry Tillier + Philippe Cavaleri + OBSCURESCENCE + Benoit Piret + RKO: Electrical Live Cinema (FR) + Flesh TV + In the factory (FR/BE) + Félix Fujikkkoon (FR) + Silvia Hatzl (DE) + Blak Tigra + Lalla Morte (FR) + Louise De Ville (US) + Vidio Atak (VAT)
Rockerill - Marchienne-au-PontGalerie de l'artiste
Distort the signal into a communicative tension, reaching the bodily effects of noise as music... The sounds of roaring sea is not far from white noise, but is not considered unpleasant &irritating... Disturbance...Psycho-acoustic tests... To the point where harsh noise is not considered unpleasant demands a training of the senses, a lack of restraint, allowing all sounds to be music, emancipating noise from its mimetic function, abstracting it as purely aesthetic... Shifting the focus from the notes to the sounds, by setting music as layered organized sounds, an implosion of meanings into the sublime... A convulsive beauty... A sensuous impression... An overload of the nervous system, maybe reflecting our inner & outer chaos... Absorbing the listener into an ecstatic black hole... Just like an orgasm...»
Bruital Orgasme is Fil & Nath, from Belgium. They play with frequencies, sounds they record during their travels, home made sounds generators, modified devices, lost and found sounds from many sources (as old vinyls, turntables without records, radios, tapes...)
philippecavaleri (a)
Concerts passés
Flesh Factory Festival II